Kysytty: 25.02.2009 - 21:07

mitä tarkoitta lyonin ympäristöasiat voisiko joku viisas kertoa

  Ilmoita asiaton kysymys


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Vastattu: 26.02.2009 - 23:22

No yhtenä esimerkkinä ilmanlaatu asioita:

The quality of air in Lyon and the surrounding area is monitored by the COPARLY (Committee for the Monitoring of Air Pollution in the Lyon Area).

COPARLY, network diagram The metropolitan area's geographic situation makes Lyon a sensitive city in terms of air quality. The presence of the Rhone and Saône rivers in a rugged landscape including the Croix-Rousse, Fourvière and Sainte-Foy hills has generated a distinctive topography with a marked influence on the way pollutants disperse. South of Lyon lies the "chemical corridor", and the prevailing local winds are north-south and south-north. In climatic terms, winter in Lyon is often marked by temperature inversions resulting in higher temperatures at altitude than in the lowlands. Since 1959, air pollution has been a core concern for the City of Lyon, whose range of clean-air measures was implemented many years ago. In 1961, the City of Lyon Hygiene Bureau and the APPA (Association for the Prevention of Air Pollution) set up a manual air quality surveillance network. Another network monitoring the Loire/Rhône thermal power station was created by Electricité de France in 1963 and the ALPOLAIR network was set up by manufacturers to monitor the industrial zone south of Lyon in 1975. COPARLY was founded in 1979 and in 1993 the four networks were combined into one entity.

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