Kysytty: 20.10.2008 - 11:41

Milloin alkaa julkinen liikenne Portosta kentälle 28.10.08 ?

Avainsanat: porto (oporto) portugali

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Vastattu: 21.10.2008 - 20:18

muutamia vinkkejä alla, pääsääntönä lienee, kun on lentoliikennettä niin on julkista maaliikennettäkin :

Porto (Oporto) is served by Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport

Porto Metro from Oporto Airport
Line E, the Violet Line (Linhe Violeta), of the Metro services the airport from Estadio do Dragao in the north east of Porto city centre and near FC Porto's football stadium.

From Estadio do Dragao the Metro connects to all other stations on the Metro network. It also stops at Campanha rail station. The journey from the airport to the city centre takes just 25 minutes.

The airport station is located just in front of the arrivals zone of the Airport and is reached through an underground walkway. The way to the Metro station is signposted throughout the airport. When arriving at the airport station on the Metro, you will only need to go down a floor and walk around 50 meters before reaching the inside of the Airport.There is an airport shuttle bus that leaves the airport for Porto every 15 minutes from near the taxi rank just outside the airport. It takes about thirty minutes to get into Porto ending on Avenida dos Aliados in the centre of Porto.

Buses numbers 601 and 87 stop at the Airport and take you into various parts of Porto city.

Transportes Resende bus number 120 runs a service between the airport and the following places: Santa Cruz (near the church), Leca (near the church), Matosinhos (near the market), Guifoes (near the church) and Custoias, approximately every 20 or 30 minutes until 19.40, or night service until 21.25 or 23.00. Operating times on Sundays are from 7.30 to 19.30.

Buses run to and from the airport and Vigo in Spain. A timetable is listed on the Airport website or for more information or make a reservation call 34 986 288 030.

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